M&M Pool & Spa Services
We've loved every minute of our journey. When you need pool or spa service in Miami-Dade County, call us we will be more than glad to help you.
We've loved every minute of our journey. When you need pool or spa service in Miami-Dade County, call us we will be more than glad to help you.
M&M and Spa Services was established in​ 2019 when Marcelo Valdes (President) decided to follow his dreams to own and operate a swimming pool company. Improving their pools to fulfill the customer's dreams and go beyond expectations is what we strive for on every project. M&M pools is owner operated and we pride ourselves on the fact that when you call it, it's always the President who is answering any inquiries or concerns. We are fully licensed and insured in Miami-Dade County. We want to say thank you, first to God and then, to all our customers because of them our company grows every day.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee